
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Out of Balance

What is wrong?
Right now.
Something is wrong right now in my life and I need to fix it. 
What do I do all day?
Without School
1. Watch Doctor Who
is that bad? No I just do it waaaaaay to much
2.  Get on the computer and check Facebook, Tumblr, Deviantart, e-mail, Pinterest, anything else I can think of... Just to waste time
Is that bad? No, I just do it waaaaaaaaaay to much!
3. Watch something else
Is that bad? Yeah, wasting time.
4. Go to friends houses and watch more tv there
5. go to friends houses and sit and talk
great sometimes, but when that and tv is all we do? No thanks.

So I need a change.
What is that change?
1. give myself a limit on Doctor Who
Fine I can do that, and I can have exceptions but only with friends and only if I have followed my rules
2. Keep track of each time I get on the internet
How long I am on, and What I do while I am on for an entire week
3. with family, it's fine, friends it's fine. 
More than 4 hours a day? Probably not
4. go to a friends house to DO something. 
Party with a movie, just a party, going out to do something, staying in to do something. anything!
5. make a list of things to do. 
Do them
I have some changes. Now I just need to do them.
Implement them.
I can do that.

Pretty sure that is the best thing I can do.
When I go to friends houses, offer to do things for them or with them to make their lives better
When I am at home do more things for my family that wouldn't normally get done.
When I am by myself, think about someone else. Make them something to make them happy.
What would Jesus Do?
He would Serve people.
He would help them to become better by setting an example.
I don't know how to do that very well but I can certainly try.
I can try
I can do 
I can be better

I want to do it.
I want to be an artist.
I want to animate a superhero cartoon, preferably with the Flash.
I want to illustrate a children's book.
I want to help people see the world better.
How can I do that with just art?
 How can I do that?

I need to have better relationships with my family.
My brothers need me to be here for them
I am not right now
I need a job so I can get money to treat them
I don't have to have money to treat them
 can be a kind, fun sister without that
I want the be the sister that they grow up and still call because they miss her.
The kind that they hang out with during high school and don't care what other people think.

The Magnificent Power-Eye! On his discovering Adventure!

The Magnificent Power-Eye!
On his discovering Adventure!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

"I can do Anything better than you can!"

Television is eating my world.

I don't do anything. 
I watch TV and think about watching it and go to watch it and watch with friends. 
I am a becoming a very lazy person, a proactive lazy person.
I plan out my lazyness.

I need to be proactive in not being lazy. Doing things that really matter. 
Making quality things. 
Doing quality things.
Becoming the person I know I can be.
The only problem is.... I have to do it.
And I can.
Tomorrow is Christmas. 
Rather than sit around all day I am going to do something. 
Make cookies.
Do something nice for someone else.
Learn something new.
Clean something.
I'll try it all!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

"I've Heard it Both Ways"

I would very much enjoy owning this. My friend the 11th doctor has one! he got it for Christmas! SUPER amazing!
Oh and just so you know Setting 96 sends holograms to other places so people don't get scared when watching scary Doctor Who episodes!
Finished Psych.
Now catching up with Doctor Who so I can watch the Christmas special with My friends Doctors 10, 11, and 12!
I love Doctor Who!