
Saturday, September 8, 2012


Today's adventures?
They consist of :
Doctor Who
Extreem temperatures
Pizza Rolls (which make me think of my friend Kaitlen)
Not a day I would care to re-live (except for the Doctor Who and Pizza Rolls part)
Oh well.
A New day tomorrow!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Courage and Success

Success often requires courage. Courage often leads to success.
The problem is gaining the courage and deciding what exactly it is you want to be successful in.
This can be difficult. If everything you want to be successful in is put on a list and considered achievable, all at the same time, you will very quickly become overwhelmed. Or perhaps just whelmed. Either way you have a problem.
The solution is to pick one thing you need success in, one dream you want to follow, and to find the courage to take one step toward that dream. But don't stop there. After that first step the process becomes a tiny bit easier as well has harder. Now all you have to do is continue to walk forward with your end goal in mind.
Unfortunately, life is difficult and messy, and there is someone who does not want you to succeed in anything.
Your goal now has become two goals, two things on your list to accomplish.
1) keep walking to attain the end goal
2) keep walking despite the whelming urge to stop
As you walk toward your goal, it may become necessary to sprint a few stretches, just to kick start your courage again.
Our courage start us out on a path, then it tends to fade away. But every so often, at a checkpoint, we have to reignite it in order to continue on in our journey.
I recommend sprinting to the finish line. As soon as you can see the end, do everything possible in your power to get there as fast as you can.
Once you have passed that crucial line, achieved your goal, attained success... It is possible that nothing obvious will happen. No fanfare. No horn. No roaring crowd. But, that is not why you started out on this journey.
You began because you had a dream that you wanted to accomplish.
Along the way, you learned things about yourself that will help you for eternity. You became more of the person you want to be. You accomplished something for yourself.

You have success.

I will make you one promise.
When you reach a goal. You will be better. But, that is not the promise. When you cross that finish line, you may see no one there. You might not hear any cheering, but someone is there. His chest is swelling with pride at the thing you have accomplished. He is so happy for you he has tears running down his face.
This man is you Heavenly Father.
And he was with you every step of the way. Now that you have made it, he is the proud parent of a winner.

Friday, August 17, 2012


It is so HOT!
Perhaps it was just because I was cleaning out the inside of the car.
Well This is going to be a fun weekend!
And tomorrow I am going to wake up early to go running...
I do love running. It is the getting up part and getting ready I don't like.
guess I should take that to heart.
Wish me luck!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Buried Treasure

Day 2
I am going through the boxes of stuff that my grandma gave me.
Most of it I am so amazed that she would give it to me. So thankful that I will have a such beautiful things in my home.
And tucked in the actual treasures are some personal treasures. Like a small red glass bird. It sat on my grandma's piano. I remember looking at it as the sun hit it while my mom played the piano an grandma worked in the kitchen.
I do wish I had someone to share these with. Soon enough.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Good Thing

So I have this friend who is amazing. But I haven't talked to them in a while. But talk to them is the only thing I want to do. But then, like always, I over think things.
Lucky for me I have other good friends and I wrote in my journal a lot in high school!
I read some of my entry's to Cherstan and she loved everyone. Probably because the friend they were about is so amazing.
I need to be more observant.
Oh yeah, speaking of observant... Just found two bugs in my room. One of which was in my hair. Gross.


Day 1
My tumblr is being slow.
Perhaps it is just my internet...
Sometimes I wonder what goes on when my internet is being slow and I am the only one on...
And I just LUV it when people read over my shoulder.
I am really going to have to work on my patience... and gumption.
Time to get off and practice the piano!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Booger...

                           2 days?!?!?!?!
Time goes by so quickly! 
Life Changing Events....
How cryptic. 
Don't worry.
Everything will happen as it should.
I'll keep you updated.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

"Tiles of Blood." "Part one?" "Part two is up next" "Don't start without me."

Titanic Tip and Daring Dash adventurer/ explorers!
Or mostly.
5 days.

There are so many things that happen in life.
So many wonderful experiences. 
It is a time to be excited. 
Let me just let out a little happiness.
Perhaps I love Neal Caffery.....

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Time sure does seem to be flying by.
It never used to go this quickly did it?
But it does now. even my days. My years. 6 months from now...
Doesn't even seem that long.
60 years on the other hand; 
yeah... still SUPER far away. 
:) Just painted my nails this color.
These Sinful Color nail polishes are FANTASTIC! 
$1.99 each?
That's amazing!
Needless to say I have purchased... several colors.
Time for choir practice! 
I love going to church!
I love singing!

Friday, August 3, 2012


That's right! It is in the oven as we speak!
I sure hope it tastes good.
You know that link I posted, linking to the recipe?Well here is what it looks like as I made it!
No Parsley or Red Wine Vinegar yet.... Had to run back to the store to get those!
Oh! there they are! All the ingredients for the marinade!
Yogurt, garlic, onion, vinegar, parsley, oregano, slat, cumin, pepper, chili pepper, and sage.
And now it is all mixed together, don't it look great?
Chicken cut into strips about 1/8th inch thick! That took a long time. Now they are in the marinade.

17 Hours Later

I didn't have to wait that long, it says to marinate 12-24 hours. The middle seemed like a good number!
(Not to mention it was time to make dinner....)
Had to run to the store (again) to get this very special aluminum foil pan... yeah not that special, but I did have fun punching holes in the bottom of it!
It is placed on a pan with a cooling rack that fits on top so the Shawarma doesn't boil in it's juice.
Chicken layer is about 1inch thick. About.
Added a layer of spinach
Then another layer of chicken and a layer of baked red peppers. MMMMM.
And yet another layer of Chicken, then SMOOOOOSH it down! That is fun!
Now let it cook for 45 minutes. 


Make the Tzatziki sauce, which is pretty straight forward, and tastes pretty good. 
Remember to save time to chill for an hour!

The Story of the Little Red Hen

She grew the wheat, ground the wheat, made the bread, cooked the bread and ate the bread all by herself.
I decided to be a little more Christ-like and share with everyone the fruits of my toiling. 
But I have to confess... I did not grow the wheat and my wheat grinder did the dirty work.
I was surprised at how easy the Chapatis was to make.
Wheat Flour, Salt, Water. 
No water in this picture though.
Added the water and kneaded for 10 minutes.
Amazing how quickly times passes when watching Sleeping Beauty!
Then I had to let it sit for 20 minutes, with a damp cloth over it of course, wouldn't want it drying out!

Central City Needs ME!
Actually just the Shawarma needs me. 
45 minutes are up, so I pulled out the pan with the Shawarma in it and cut the corners, folding them over so that the sides can brown.
And back to the Chapatis.
I cut it into 8 pieces (Just like the instructions said, aren't I a good little girl?)
This is one piece, rolled into a ball.
Then I rolled it out. 
The first one I tried... I didn't exactly roll it into a ball, yeah... Triangular/Square shaped Chapatis was the result.
"Frying pans, Who knew!?"
It's done!
Add all three together, not to much... they don't stay together if there is too much!
Imagine making it on a spit! COOL!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

"Have you ever tried shawarma?"

I love Aprons! 
My mom just made me a matching set of aprons.
Do Not Open Until Wedding Day!
Haha, no I am not engaged, not dating. But hey, Why not?

On a different note, not long now. only 12 days! That is less than 2 weeks!

God really does know what is best for me. And he gives it to me, sometimes through my mistakes.
That just boggles my mind. 

Oh and I am going to make some Schawarma!
I will probably make it today and eat it tomorrow.  The chicken must marinate for a day. Hence tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Everything Happens in August

Well... I can honestly say I have not felt this way since high school.
Seriously? Waking up at 5 instead of 6 and wondering why my alarm didn't go off. But I probably am more rested now than I would have been if I had stayed in bed and gone back to sleep. Funny how that works.
Tomorrow is August. Everything happens in August. Or at least it seems that way. And tomorrow it is finally here! To think I was counting down from 50 and now I am almost done!
It is amazing how time flies.
It never used to fly, it just went along, doing it's own thing, sometimes quickly sometimes so slow I thought I would die. But since my birthday, I feel time going, slipping by. I just want to be productive and make each moment count. That is probably why I get so frustrated with myself. I don't always participate in productive activities. Unless sitting on my bum watching the boob tube counts as productive ( it rarely does).
Since I'm up early I guess I could get my food ready for the day, very productive.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

"Happiness is Two Kinds of Ice Cream"

How did my life get away from me and become so wonderful?
I don't deserve the happiness I feel.
Yet I have it.
It is mine.
And I am going to keep it!
I have had happiness before and here is what I have done with it:
- thrown it away
- taken it for granted
- gotten angry at it
- ignored it
- thought I was better than it.
A few times I have accepted it.
But today? Today is different.
Today I embrace it. I praise my happiness and the God who gave it to me!
Never again will I take the happiness given to me for granted.
Especially when I don't deserve it.
I am thankful for blessings.
I am thankful for knowledge.
I am thankful that I have the complete gospel of Jesus Christ in my life.
I am thankful for missionaries.
I am thankful for my friends.
I am thankful for my family.
I am thankful for my future family.

What are you thankful for?

Saturday, June 9, 2012

"Bitter Sweet and Strange"

"Well...." As the Doctor would say.
I am no longer upset with myself for that instance. 
I have decided that is just fine.
Life goes on.
And as life goes on, so do I.
And God helps me forward.
He gives me FABULOUS knowledge and builds my testimony...
This much.
well actually... a whole lot more.
So much more.

A True Hero

It is amazing how perspective can change.
Just a little while ago I was a Young Woman, who thought she knew everything but never admitted it.
I was silly and stupid and careless and young.
3 years can change someone dramatically.
I have grown. Not completely. That will take more than this lifetime for me to Grow up all the way.
But I have grown in maturity, in wisdom and in strength of personal character.
Don't get me wrong, I have a long way to go.
More than I want to think about.
But I will get there.
At least I am better than I was.
Can I ask for more?
Especially as I am working my hardest to become better every day.
I hope it all pays off.
I am sure it will.
My goal is to be much better versed in important matters by Aug.
My piano playing will be better, I will know more about the scriptures, I will be stronger, I will be more kind, I will be more Christ-like, charitable.
I am going to work my hardest this summer. Harder than I have ever worked. And I am going to become the best person I have ever been.
And no one but myself can stop me.
So I won't let me.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Isn't She Wonderful?

How cute are they?! ^

Only 15 hours and 25 minutes until the

I don't think I can wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so excited!
Well actually a little more excited than that
Yeah... that is pretty much it. :)