
Friday, April 27, 2012

7 Days Left

That's Right!
New comic!
How fantastic. 
Guess this means I can be compelled to post twice a week!
7 Days Til the AVENGERS!
Do you think we can make it?
Do I think I can make it?!
We Shall see.....
But the real question is... 
Will I make it through.....

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"Oh Snap!"

I just love these comics!
"Oh Snap!"
Ethereal on Sunday! And her friend. Don't know much about him  yet, so he doesn't have a name.
But he will! Don't worry!
Doctor 12 is in town! Woo!
Oh! And by the way....

Friday, April 20, 2012


New Little League Comic!

I just love them so much!
The badguys.... haha! How amazing!
So My amazing Best Friend, Ethereal  is... Amazing.
I miss her WAY to much!
But I know it will be ok. You don't get to be friends with someone for 13 years without having a little bit of missingness.
Details later :)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Little League

So My Friend, the 10th doctor, introduced me to this web comic called.....
It is Fantastic! Let me show you.

All of these comics belong to Yale Stewart.
I did not draw them.
But I love them!
The Characters belong to DC comics.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I am on a Fantastic kick.
Fantastic Four

Fantastic friends

but most of all, Fantastic Blessings.
For a few weeks now I have had second thoughts about my choice of Major.
I know that I can choose what ever I want, but I also want to keep myself on a path where I will be able to help myself, my family, and as many people as I can in the process.
Teaching seems like a fantastic way to do that.
But what about music?
I love music! 
it is a huge part of who I am! 
Education Major? Music Major?
I haven't been sure.
After class today I felt like I should go and talk to my education teacher.
"nah," I thought. "she is busy, and besides I don't even know what I would talk about."
So I left the building, walked across campus and spent 3 minutes logging onto  a computer.
By this time the prompting to go and talk to my teacher was even stronger.
So, shaking my head, I logged off the computer, walked back to the Education building and into her office.
Still not sure what I wanted to talk about, I just started talking.
Not 2 minutes went by before she told me.
"Your talents in music wont' go to waste by being a Teacher, you will just help those kids even more."
How Fantastic is my Heavenly Father?
More than I could ever Express.
But I can say this, Without Him....
I wander.
With Him
I have more power than I know.