
Monday, June 10, 2013

“I’d much rather watch football than football.” -- Jarod Kintz

While I didn't wink at anyone (like I had promised) I did go to a Slip-n-Slide social for the institute on Saturday. I met my friend Miah there and we went down the slid a few times, which was awesome. Then played soccer.
Never before have I been that aggressive in any team sport I have ever played. And I had a BLAST! WE played for 2 hours! I did hurt my ankle, but it was so worth it!
I told Miah to let me know next time he has a co ed soccer game.
Speaking of Soccer, I am reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and Hagrid was talking about Soccer. O_o He should be saying Football. I remember when the books were coming out, I had to wait a few extra weeks because they had to go through the book and change some of the words. Then a few years ago I read the British version Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, to me it just seemed more magical. I would love to read all of the books as they were written, none of the words changed.

I started watching Smallville again, picking up where I left off. I am starting to remember why I stopped watching. I have heard that the middle seasons 4 and 5 got a little raunchy. So far... I have heard correctly. I am going to have to start censoring my episodes I watch, reading the synopsis first and then either watching the episode or just sticking with the synopsis. Because some of these, don't seem to have any value to the story... *sigh* at least I have the ability to sensor them myself!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Spinach Puffs

I sometimes get brilliant ideas of what to write about on her...
But then I go to sleep.
Amazing idea's always happen right as I am getting into bed, and by that time I am worn out from the day. I wonder if I could write them all down quickly... only if I invented a short hand! Or just learned short hand!

Maybe I will, that would be cool, then I could write as fast as I wanted, really. or at least as fast as I am thinking.
And now we are talking about waxing... hmmm.
aaaaaaaaaaand.............. Bored.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

"You Are A Go Getter" "I Did Not Know That!"

I went to Institute last night with the intent of making some friends.
I left with a better picture of what I am doing in my life.
And what I need to keep doing. 
So I am going to be a little bit bored, hey, Jack, that never hurt anyone!
I can find ways to make life interesting til this stage is over. 
I can grow spiritually and mentally . I can improve myself as I work toward my ultimate goal  of:
No more Debt would be best. For everyone. 
But especially for me. 
But I guess,   no good deed goes unpunished. 
But I also need to remember: No good deed goes unblessed. 
God is more powerful than any debt collector. 
More powerful than a locomotive.
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
And able to give second chances to everyone. 
Our God is a God of second chances. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Tiptoe Higher

You know, doing things for other people just because you can, feels excellent. 
Sometimes the things people do disgust me.
You can find kindness in the oddest places. 
Drawing is amazing.
Today I feel Roman.
And Bored. 
I wish I lived next to a Forever 21. 
I want to play my Viola. 
And the Piano... and the Cello and my flute.
I want to live near  some friends that I can do things with all the time.
And not have it be just a one-sided friendship. Equal effort on both sides.
Maybe I will get that when Renee comes home. If I can convince her to come live with me!
Probably not.
Imagine Dragons is awesome.
My thoughts are disjointed.
But this is nice to just type what I am thinking without having to put it together.
I like having everything on the right side of the page.
Time for a nap. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hope Burns Bright!

The greatest enemy is not outside.
The greatest enemy is inside. 
The natural man.
Reminds me of a quote by Lemony Snicket.
Many old folktales portray Death as a cloaked figure who knocks on the doors of the souls he has come to whisk away, but that is not always the way of the world.  Sometimes Death may approach the door very slowly and very loudly, so that by the time he knocks everyone in the neighborhood is aware of his approach, or he may prefer to pick the lock of your kitchen until you stroll downstairs in your bathrobe and learn that he has been waiting for you, sitting in your favorite chair and rearranging your silverware when he got bored
Trouble and Death seem to have similar habits. 
Sometimes Trouble will march up,  one-man-band style, guns a blazing. 
Other times, he is a thief in the night, kidnapping all of the good luck that was waiting for you and taking it's place in a crude impersonation of something it can only aspire to be.  
Perhaps I  am thinking of this the wrong way,
Maybe  Trouble is a friend just trying to  give me a fighting chance.
But Death  and Trouble are different. 
Death is a release from this life and your path to the next, where we will get to be with God.
Trouble and Hope should be compared. Like twins, different sides of the same coin. 
Hope can brighten a day like  the first rays of sunshine in the morning. Where Trouble  can plunge everything into darkness, a cloud of ash trying to smother.
But , that same ash brings new life, sweeter life. As it sinks into the ground it become an excellent fertilizer for the hope that begins to break through the dirt.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Paint it Red. Paint it Blue

There are some things in my life that are there because they are convenient. I do them every day because that is what I have been doing and I am content to continue doing them. 
It is easy to not change.
But that doesn't necessarily mean it is right. 
Especially when I am feeling the way I am right now.
I need change in my life. 
I don't want things to stay the same.
I want a little mix up, and if it helps me get my loans paid off faster...
All in a days work.

Having loans is seriously the worst. I want them paid off as fast as I can, then my money I earn will be just that. MINE! 
There was a General Conference talk a while back that talked about debt being like prison. Recently that is all I can think of. How trapped I am because I owe money to someone else. 
There is only one way out that I can see. Pay it off. Do it now. As fast as I can!
If I make the change I am thinking of doing... well, maybe I can get it paid off faster!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Open To The Greatest Change

So far the plan seems to be:
"Stay put and do the same thing every day for the next year."
Well thanks, but that is what I did last year! I am not really looking forward to another year of the same thing every day.
So what am I going to do to shake it up?
Today I hoolahooped for 14:09.1 minutes. 
I have a goal to draw something every day. 
I am going to institute this week to meet some new people. 
I guess I have a discovered a weakness I have.
Well, yes, but in reality it is boredom. 
Being so incredibly bored and having no one around to break it up. No one around me to say 
"Hey, Jack! You're fine! Keep up the good work!"
I have myself. 
And to be honest, pep-talking yourself is no fun.
But what I am feeling is more than boredom. 
My heart is broken.
Not by someone, just -- is.