
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Everything Happens in August

Well... I can honestly say I have not felt this way since high school.
Seriously? Waking up at 5 instead of 6 and wondering why my alarm didn't go off. But I probably am more rested now than I would have been if I had stayed in bed and gone back to sleep. Funny how that works.
Tomorrow is August. Everything happens in August. Or at least it seems that way. And tomorrow it is finally here! To think I was counting down from 50 and now I am almost done!
It is amazing how time flies.
It never used to fly, it just went along, doing it's own thing, sometimes quickly sometimes so slow I thought I would die. But since my birthday, I feel time going, slipping by. I just want to be productive and make each moment count. That is probably why I get so frustrated with myself. I don't always participate in productive activities. Unless sitting on my bum watching the boob tube counts as productive ( it rarely does).
Since I'm up early I guess I could get my food ready for the day, very productive.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

"Happiness is Two Kinds of Ice Cream"

How did my life get away from me and become so wonderful?
I don't deserve the happiness I feel.
Yet I have it.
It is mine.
And I am going to keep it!
I have had happiness before and here is what I have done with it:
- thrown it away
- taken it for granted
- gotten angry at it
- ignored it
- thought I was better than it.
A few times I have accepted it.
But today? Today is different.
Today I embrace it. I praise my happiness and the God who gave it to me!
Never again will I take the happiness given to me for granted.
Especially when I don't deserve it.
I am thankful for blessings.
I am thankful for knowledge.
I am thankful that I have the complete gospel of Jesus Christ in my life.
I am thankful for missionaries.
I am thankful for my friends.
I am thankful for my family.
I am thankful for my future family.

What are you thankful for?