
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Hard, But Worth It.

Remember last post when I was starting the Body for Life?
Well that didn't happen.
In reality, I knew it wouldn't happen. My mom wasn't ready to do it and I wasn't committed. You would think I would be.
My friend is starting a simple fitness program based on her Sister-In-Law's ideas and it seems like a good plan. (you can find it here! and here!)
The only problem I have is that I don't have a scale in my house. Which is a problem for me. I should purchase one.
I just need to write down what I eat. I like to eat about 6 times a day. Small meals one at 7, 9, 11, 1, 3 and around 5 or 6. I love eating this way, because I never get truly hungry. I will eat pretty good everyday except Friday. FREE DAY! Best day of the week. Actually I have been doing that (not writing it down) and as the weeks went on, I was eating junk because... if I didn't eat it today then I couldn't eat it another time. Not because I wanted it. That was actually a good feeling. Time to get back into that!
I am also going to try and at the very least go on a 30 minute walk each day. I should run as often as I can as I am running a Ragnar in a few weeks, but... I don't have enough time. Working 3 jobs takes quite a big chunk of time out of each day!